We Support Independent Music: Legyn - Loggin In

Legyn, the group that brought the radio and club hits "Superstitious" and "Lunar Eclipse" is back with a new hit "Loggin In". Listen and download now!

Loggin In




Lunar Eclipse


Freak It, Shake It, Flip It


Friday Night Live @ Chubbys

Who Dat Music Hosted by Core DJ's Sean D & Dreesey Baby

Check out WhoDatMusic.com
Show Time: EVERY Wednesday from 7-9pm
ALL Artists can MP3 their music to: whodatmusic@gmail.com

The Who Dat Music Listening Party, hosted by Sean-D, is a weekly show that airs on BlogTV every Wednesday from 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. The main focus of the show is to give independent artists the opportunity to broadcast their music, receive feedback as well as network with an audience that’s familiar with music. 
Songs are rated 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Along with the ratings, the viewers in the room give their personal constructive criticism as the song plays. Along with the live criticism, if requested, the artist also has the option of receiving a review chart of the feedback that was given on their music.
Artists that are interested can mp3 their music to whodatmusic@gmail.com and view the show live every Wednesday here on the site or on BlogTV at Check out WhoDatMusic.com
Who Dat Music…Get Heard!
(Previously Posted by Miss Marketing)

School Boys Tuesdays @ Club Rayn